Wisconsin Catholic Conference News and Press Releases
The WCC reports on and releases statements on public policy issues and events. Statements and news resources are posted here as a reference for those looking to keep updated on WCC positions.
The WCC reports on and releases statements on public policy issues and events. Statements and news resources are posted here as a reference for those looking to keep updated on WCC positions.
The WCC’s media statements
Bishops Statement on Shooting at Abundant Life Christian School (12/16/24)
Bishops Release New Edition of Pastoral Letter on End of Life Decisions (10/28/24)
Bishops Provide Resources and Promote Faithful Citizenship in Public Policy and Elections (10/3/24)
Bishops Share Resources on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship (3/7/24)
WCC Opposes Planned Parenthood Abortion Petition to WI Supreme Court (2/26/24)
HWH Coalition Condemns Passage of Assembly Bill 975 Abortion Referendum (1/25/24)
WCC Celebrates January 28 to February 3 as Catholic Schools Week in Wisconsin (1/25/24)
Heal Without Harm Coalition Statement Opposing AB-975 Abortion Referendum (1/19/24)
Issued when the Legislature is active, the Capitol Update is a periodic (biweekly) update on current WCC legislative issues of interest.
Opinion and perspective pieces written by WCC staff