The Governor has issued a proclamation declaring January 26 to February 1, 2025 as Catholic Schools Week in Wisconsin.
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Wisconsin Catholic Conference Capitol Update

January 27, 2025

Governor Evers Proclaims January 26 to February 1 Catholic Schools Week in Wisconsin

Catholic Schools Week banner

Governor Evers has issued a proclamation declaring January 26 to February 1, 2025, as Catholic Schools Week in the state of Wisconsin. Throughout the state, over 275 Catholic schools serve over 51,000 students. Check out the website of your local school, diocese, or Catholic publication to see how schools are celebrating.
Read the proclamation

State of the State Address

On January 22, Governor Evers delivered his State of the State Address in which he announced his priorities and proposals for the upcoming session. Governor Evers called 2025 “The Year of the Kid” and stated his support for increasing child care, reducing crime and gun violence, and investing in children through education, health care, and mental health. Additionally, he called for clean water, mitigating lead poisoning, reducing prescription drug and medication costs, and improving the state’s economy. You can watch or read the full speech online.

Wisconsin state capitol

Governor Evers will give his Biennial Budget Message on Tuesday, February 18 at 7pm. In that speech, he will highlight the major spending proposals of his 2025-27 Executive Budget.

Did You Know There Is Daily Mass and Adoration Just Steps from the Capitol?

Mass Times

12:10pm M-F at St. Patrick’s (404 E Main St)
12:05pm M-F at St. Paul’s (723 State St)
5:00pm M-F (except Wednesday) at St. Paul’s

Confessions available 30 minutes prior to each Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

7am-9pm every day at Holy Redeemer (120 W Johnson St)

Adoration chapel

Renewing Prayers for Life during March for Life, Roe v. Wade Anniversary

On January 24, thousands of people peacefully demonstrated for the protection of human life, particularly for the unborn, at the annual National March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Each year, the March for Life takes place during the week of the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which allowed for the deaths of more than 60 million unborn children through abortion. In the U.S., the Church recognizes January 22—the date of the Roe decision—as a day of prayer and penance for restoration of the legal protection of the unborn. This legal protection has yet to be fully achieved in this country, including in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin currently has two abortion cases before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, a statutory case and a constitutional case. On November 11, the Wisconsin Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Kaul v. Urmanski, the statutory case challenging Wisconsin’s § 940.04 abortion ban that came into effect again after Roe was overturned. The Court has not yet issued a ruling. The constitutional case, Planned Parenthood v. Urmanski, which seeks to find a right to abortion in the Wisconsin Constitution, has not yet been scheduled for oral arguments.

January marks an opportune time to pray for the protection of human life at every stage, from conception to natural death, and to press lawmakers to enact just laws.

Updates from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

“Human Dignity is Not Dependent on a Person’s Citizenship or Immigration Status”

No Sin is Beyond God’s Unfathomable Mercy, says Bishop Thomas on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Executive Actions Will Subject Vulnerable Families and Children to Grave Danger, says Bishop Seitz

Statement of Archbishop Broglio on Executive Orders Signed by the President

The Work to Promote Religious Liberty Must Remain Anchored to the Truth of the Gospel, says Bishop Rhoades

USCCB Offers Principles for Budget Reconciliation

Gaza Ceasefire an “Encouraging Sign of Peace” for the Middle East

Legislative Resources for the New Session

Find your legislators, committee assignments, session schedule, and more:

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Wisconsin Catholic Conference · 106 E Doty St, Ste 300, Madison, WI 53703, United States
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