Talking about and facing end of life planning can be difficult. Now and at the Hour of Our Death, a pastoral letter from the Catholic Bishops of Wisconsin, helps foster conversations and answer questions related to end of life decision-making utilizing the Church’s teaching. It includes guidance for those facing health issues, as well as for those who care for them. The letter covers a wide variety of issues, including:
- Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia
- Ordinary & Extraordinary Measures
- Measures Withheld or Withdrawn
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Palliative Care & Hospice
- Pain Management
- Redemptive Suffering
- Organ Donation
- Spiritual & Sacramental Needs
- Funeral Planning
- Advance Care Planning
- Power of Attorney for Health Care
- Living Wills & POLST
- Burial & Cremation
- Alkaline Hydrolysis
- Human Composting
Advance Care Planning Resources
Below you will find the three legal forms we recommend for end of life planning. As explained in this pastoral letter, the Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care is much preferred over the Wisconsin Declaration to Health Care Professionals (living will) because the latter is not in itself sufficient for one to express his or her advance directives in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care
The Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care form is available for free to anyone who sends a stamped, self-addressed, business size envelope to: Division of Public Health, ATTN: POA, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659. The form may also be downloaded for free from their website.
Catholic Addendum to the Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care
The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) Catholic Addendum to the Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care is an advance directive planning form appended to the Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care that provides Catholics a means to prepare for their end of life according to the Catholic faith. The Non-Catholic Addendum to the Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care provides non-Catholics a means to prepare for their end of life according to Catholic teaching.
Catholic Authorization for Final Disposition
The Catholic Authorization for Final Disposition allows Catholics to declare his or her wishes regarding funeral and final disposition of their remains, and/or delegate the authority to do so to another person.
Funeral Planning
To plan your funeral and burial, contact your parish and/or your diocesan Office for Liturgy for current funeral planning guides.
Will & Estate Planning
You should also ensure your will and estate plan are up to date and these forms have been distributed to the proper individuals (your loved ones, attorneys, health care providers, etc.).
Learn More
Promotional Materials
More Resources on Church Teaching
English resources
Recursos en español
Promotional Materials
We encourage parishes, Catholic institutions, and individuals to share these resources with their community and loved ones. To promote Now and at the Hour of Our Death, we offer the following materials:
Bulletin Insert (8.5″ x 11″)
Graphics for Bulletins & Social Media
Half-Page Flyer (5.5″ x 8.5″)
Poster (11″ x 17″)
Contact us at if a different size or format is needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
If you would like a print version of the pastoral letter Now and at the Hour of Our Death for yourself, a loved one, or your parish, please reach out to your diocese:
For other questions, contact us at the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.